Explore the SLC curriculum

Welcome to an exciting learning journey with the SLC! The SLC equips learners with knowledge on scale up and helps learners translate that knowledge into practice. We have developed a comprehensive curriculum to engage practitioners that are new to scale up and to support seasoned professionals looking to build and hone their expertise. With our carefully crafted curriculum and tailored learning track options, you have the power to chart your own path to success.

The SLC curriculum consists of an introductory module and three core modules, each corresponding to a phase of ExpandNet’s systematic approach to scale up. Within each module, you will find diverse resources including videos, transcripts, readings, guidance tools, example narratives, agendas, presentation templates, exercises and real-life case examples from around the world. These resources will deepen your understanding and proficiency in working effectively on scaling up. You will benefit from having access to the practical experience of scaling implementers from various parts of the world. 

Introductory Module: ExpandNet's Approach to Scale-up

In this module, you will explore the core concepts and principles unique to scaling up and learn about ExpandNet’s approach to scale-up planning and implementation processes.  

Specifically, the module:

  • Shares ExpandNet’s contributions to the science and practice of scaling up
  • Details the benefits of adopting a scaling-up mindset for global health and development projects
  • Articulates ExpandNet’s definition of scaling up and the importance of a systematic approach to scale up
  • Highlights a real-world country-case example based on practical experience in scaling up
  • Shares details on where to access scale-up resources from ExpandNet and other scale-up leaders


An overview of ExpandNet's approach to scale up

Module 1: Planning for Future Scale-up

In this module, you will learn how to plan and implement your projects to increase the potential for future scale up success.

Specifically, the module:

  • Defines the concept of “Beginning with the End in Mind” and articulates its importance for future sustainability and scaling up success
  • Identifies the recommendations for designing a scalable intervention and describes how they have been applied and shown to be useful
  • Shares a checklist, based on the 12 recommendations, that provides a quick assessment of how easy or difficult it will be to scale up a project

Phase I

How to plan for future scale-up

Module 2: Developing a Scale-up Strategy

Module 2: In this module, you will more deeply explore the ExpandNet/WHO scaling framework. The framework supports the development of a scale up strategy, employing a systems perspective to ensure the strategy addresses factors and system dynamics involved in the scale up process.

Specifically, the module:

  • Shares how to develop a strategy for successful scale up and the role of different elements of the scale up framework
  • Articulates different types of scale up and how they are related
  • Discusses strategic choice areas and how they relate to each type of scale up
  • Outlines the 9 step process for developing a scale up strategy
  • Describes how the use of worksheets and how they can be used to guide discussions of the steps
  • Shares global applications of the 9-step approach

Phase II

How to develop a scale-up strategy

Module 3: Managing Scale-up

In this module, you will learn the importance of adaptive management in effectively implementing strategies that are responsive to new opportunities, learnings, and constraints typically encountered during the scale up process.

Specifically, the module:

  • Outlines the key pillars in managing the scaling up process and why they are critical to success
  • Shares the Implementation Mapping tool for monitoring and adapting scale up approaches
  • Discusses the threats to scale-up and how to avoid them
  • Shares how to access key resources that can support managing expansion and institutionalization

Phase III

Developing a scale-up strategy

Your SLC Experts and Guides

Laura Ghiron

Laura Ghiron

United States

Dr. Haris Ahmed

Dr. Haris Ahmed


Dr. Sada Danmusa

Dr. Sada Danmusa


Dr. Peter Fajans

Dr. Peter Fajans


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Dr. Clea Finkle

Dr. Clea Finkle

United States

Pratima Musburger

Pratima Musburger

United States

Femi Quaitey

Femi Quaitey


Dr. Cheikh Seck

Dr. Cheikh Seck


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